1) Fill in the definition here:
The total among of greenhouse gases produced to, directly and indirectly, support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
2) Provide some examples (from the same website):
- Amount of CO2 emitted by burning 1 liter of gasoline 2 kg of CO2
- Driving a car for 6 km emits 1 kg of CO2
- 3.1 kg of CO2 is tested when making 1/3 of a cheeseburger
- Fly with a plane a distance of 2.2 km or 1.375 miles emits 1 kg of CO2
- Production of 2 plastic bottles emits 1 kg of CO2
-------- Activities carried out with https://timeforchange.org/what-is-a-carbon-footprint-definition/ ----------
3. Quiz results:
- What is your carbon footprint weight? 6,9 tones
- What is the target weight impact? My carbon footprint is 65%
- My percentage was in stuff 20%, travel 20%, food 20%, home 40%
--------------------------------- The quiz I did https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/#/ -----------------------------------
4) When was the last time the Earth warmed up so fast?
55 million years ago.
5) What is the name of the current extinction event?
The Anthropocene extinction
6) What will probably happen by 2050?
90% of coral reefs could disappear by 2050
7) About what proportion of mammal species could disappear by 2100?
1/5 of all species on earth could be extinct.
8) Which type of plant would probably grow faster with more CO2, weeds, or crops?
Weeds probably because they grow faster up to three times faster than crops.
9) How many dollars has climate change cost us in wheat and maize losses per year since 1980?
Since 1980 it’s estimated climate change has already cost us 5 billion dollars a year on average in
wheat and maize losses.
-------- I answered the questions by watching this YouTube video https://youtu.be/CLtFwUTrE4E ----------
10) According to a UN report, about how long do we have until climate change is irreversible?
We have little more than a decade to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere otherwise the very bad serious consequences
11) Give an example of negative changes we’re already seeing.
An example of climate change is heavy rains and other extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent and cause flooding along with deteriorating water quality, and even in some areas a progressive decline in water resources.
12) What would be the cost of ending the use of fossil fuels?
The cost of an estimated 54 billion dollars.
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